FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some frequently asked questions with answers that we get on a day to day basis. 

Yes, our batteries are equipped with top-of-the-line Battery Management Systems and undergo rigorous safety checks during assembly. We continuously introduce new safety innovations to ensure the highest standards.

We only use cells from well-established manufacturers like Sony, Panasonic, LG, Molicel, CATL and EVE, some examples include MURATA VTC6A MOLICEL P42A / P45B, and LG M50L, and Panasonic 21700 and 18650 series, we test and match each and every cell that goes into every one of our battery packs to ensure the consistency and long-term health of the battery pack

All our batteries come with 3 months of warranty covering repairs and one-to-one exchange’s with us. Full after sale service will be provided if faulty battery is deemed to be manufacturer fault.

We will still fix and maintain the battery after the period. Fees may or may not be imposed depending on factors like user carelessness. Due to the nature of our market, we impose a shorter warranty period is to prevent misuse and to promote care for our products. If the issues are really manufacturer fault and can be proven, limited warranty will still be provided after period ends

Our goal and target market are mainly the masses. We apply the economics of scale to drive costs down for the benefit of everyone and also the sustainability of our own business, our ready stock offerings are mostly built at our chinese facility to streamline and optimise our workflow to serve more customers in a more timely manner. Rest assured that the same standard of quality control applies for both our chinese and singapore facility

All our batteries are built with branded cells from well-established manufacturers, and we conduct mass testing on each and every cell for Capacity, Internal Resistance and K-value (Self Discharge Rate). We put in a very good amount of both material and workmanship into every single battery that leaves our door. Its not the same

A good rule of thumb is, as long as the rated operating voltage range of the appliance falls within the battery’s operating range, and the power connectors are compatible, it should work so long as the battery have a high enough discharge rate for the appliance, However, in certain cases when a battery is already built, optimised for a certain application, it might not work as well in others, sometimes not because of electrical issues, but maybe due to other factors like battery placement and weight distribution issues

Yes, we specialise in building custom battery packs locally in Singapore for a variety of applications as well as our usual ready stock offerings, visit our product configurator or contact us to discuss your specific requirements.

Our focus at Doge Tune is dedicated to battery-related services. We do not repair or modify bikes or scooters. Our expertise lies in providing top-notch, custom battery packs, tailored to your specific needs.

We accept most payment methods such as Paynow/Paylah, Cash, Credit Card as well as some BNPL (Buy now pay later) providers like atome and LatitudePay

Asking how far your battery will last and how many food delivery orders can you do with it is like asking how many rounds of video game matches on my phone can I play on a single charge. It’s a little hard to come up with an exact answer, as there’s too many variable factors involved to make any useful estimation, things like
• eBike specs (motor, controller, etc.)
• Environment (temperature, humidity, terrain, traffic conditions etc.)
• Gross weight (Rider, bike, cargo etc.)
• Rolling Resistance (Gross weight, terrain, tyre pressure, size and type etc.)
• Riding style (aggressive or conservative)
• Wind resistance (Speed, Accessories, Clothing, Helmet, Delivery bag etc.)
• Distance between each food delivery order
All can play a part in how far your battery will last and how many food delivery orders can you eventually do

Regrettably, we only accept installments through BNPL (Buy now pay later) platforms like Atome and LatitudePay. This way we’ll receive payment upfront while the platform handles everything else with the customer afterwards. Personally, we seen too many people trying to play stunts like this, plenty of them will start installment plans and after which, cancel their cards and/or report their card “stolen”. Despite multiple follow-ups they usually remain MIA, and there is often little to no effective recourse for them, We’re a small-medium business and we cant really afford the cash flow issues that will come along with that

If you’re not going to use your battery in a long time, store your battery in a cool, dry place at around 30-60% SOC (state of charge), A rule of thumb is not to store your battery for more than a few days at full charge or near empty

Yes, we sometimes offer discounts, even for small orders on a see-by-case basis. Feel free to contact us with details of your battery requirements and we’ll see

Our batteries are made with a some level of water resistance able to handle most normal usage conditions like mist, splashes and light rain. Nothing is fully waterproof, not even concrete (which still will rot), so we advise against exposing them to excessive water or moisture.

500-1000 cycles, usually 2 years, more or less depending on usage, not including other reasons for premature failure

A around 1-2% diviation of the full charge and cut off voltage (especially full charge) during everyday use is normal and well within margin of error, all these could be caused by anything, including BMS firmware unoptimizaion, voltmeter inaccuracy, or charger not outputting a sufficiently high enough voltage (safety reasons by design / quality control related) or a slightly unbalanced battery, nothing to worry about as that little bit voltage difference of 0.3- 0.4 isnt going to add up much even in the long run, for as long as you’re not seeing significant drops in range or runtime

Most importantly, your appliance electrical consumption in amps, will have to be taken into consideration to select an approperiate BMS rated for that load, for example, a 48v battery rigged to an inverter system designed to continuously run a 4800w boiler will require a minimum 110a BMS, 100a minimum in theory (4800w ÷ 48v = 100a) with an additional of 10amps (10%) to account for inverter ineffeciency

However in most cases from what we observe, an 80 amp controller running a BLDC motor in an ebike application will mostly require just a 50a or 60a constant BMS in practice, taking advantage of the fact that ebikes will only draw that full discharge rate of 80a for short periods at a time, and that almost all BMS on the market will support at least a 2x peak discharge as compared to its rated constant

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